It is with great pride that for the 20th anniversary of our beloved COLORIS®, I have the pleasure to present you the #1 edition of our internal magazine COLORIS LIFE!
“COLORIS LIFE” literally means: “The Life of COLORIS”. The purpose of our magazine COLORIS LIFE is therefore to present us at least once a year with all the events, if possible, positive that we have experienced together during the previous year.
Coloris Global Coloring Concept exists for 20 years, but there is also the “daughter” company, Coloris Production, which was founded on 22 December 2010 (by the way, it was 10 years ago in December 2020).
It is therefore the life of our two beautiful entities that will be retraced in COLORIS LIFE throughout the following pages. In this case, the life of…the past year, the year 2020 or the year of the global health and economic crisis linked to the CoViD-19 virus.
So it goes without saying that “once is not usual”, and that the year of crisis that we have just lived through was totally unprecedented and unusual; it is true. However…
It so happens that since the company Coloris Global Coloring Concept has existed, since the year of its birth, 2001, crises have not ceased to follow one another; 2001 being the year of the world financial crisis linked to the bursting of the internet bubble. This being said, it is true that the “CoViD” crisis is out of category and by far the most serious that our humanity has known in the last 20 years, in the sense that it has spared no country, no population.
As far as the COLORIS® team, are concerned, there is a common point between all these crises of the last 20 years; the common point is that each time, our involvement, our ability to adapt and our collective intelligence have enabled us to “pull through”.
In this 1st edition of COLORIS LIFE you will discover or rediscover how resilient we, the COLORIS® team, have been during this year 2020. How we were able to forget, how we were able to focus and how we were able to work even harder while protecting ourselves. So, as you will see, an exceptionally serious year will have resulted in COLORIS® achievements that were unthinkable in March 2020 when the crisis began.